Development of pretreatment protocol for DNA extraction from biofilm attached to biologic activated carbon (BAC) granules |
Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China |
Shuting Zhang |
Xin Yu |
2010 |
Chemiluminesence of luminol catalyzed by nano-CoPcS/TiO2 |
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin |
Shenghua Zhang |
Shenghua Zhang |
2010 |
地表水中隐孢子虫和贾第鞭毛虫微球的混凝去除 |
张会宁 |
古励 |
Comparison of IMS-free and IMS real-time PCR for detection of Giardia lamblia from surface water |
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin |
X. Yu |
P. Huck |
2010 |
管材、营养元素和温度对模拟给水管网生物膜形成的影响 |
给水排水 |
邬卓颖 |
王淑梅,于鑫 |
2010 |
Comparison of the community structures of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in rhizoplanes of floating aquatic macrophytes |
Microbiological |
Bo Wei |
Xin Yu |
2010 |
季节变化对某市地面水厂处理效果影响的研究 |
给水排水 |
刘冰 |
于鑫 |
2010 |
饮用水系统中生物滤池性能的研究 |
中国给水排水 |
刘冰 |
于鑫 |
2010 |
Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON) in the processes of polluted source water treatment |
Chinese Science Bulletin |
Li Gu |
Xin Yu |
2010 |
Photocatalytic degradation of 2, 4-dichlorophenol using granular activated carbon supported TiO2 |
Desalination |
Li Gu |
Xin Yu |
2010 |
Optical Remote Sensing To Quantify Fugitive Particulate Mass Emissions from Stationary Short-Term and Mobile Continuous Sources: Part I. Method and Examples |
Environmental Science & Technology |
Markj |
KeDu |
2010 |
Urbanisation effects on summer habitat comfort: a case study of three coastal cities in southea
China |
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology |
Hong Ye |
Xiaofeng Zhao |
2010 |
Understanding the relationship among urbanisation, climate change and human health: a case study in Xiamen |
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology |
Xinhu Li |
Qianjun Zhao |
2010 |
Trends of maximum temperature, minimum temperature and diurnal temperature range and their correlations with urbanisation in Xiamen, China |
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology |
Xiangyu Li |
Feng Chen |
2010 |
Towards a sustainable residential environment: decision analysis for residential site selection in Jimei based on multi-source data and multi-criteria |
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology |
Quanyi Qiu |
Yin Ren |
2010 |
Forest degradation deepens around and within protected areas in East Asia |
Biological Conservation |
Lina Tang |
Guofan Shao |
2010 |
Spectral Mixture Analysis of Land Surface Composition in a Coastal City based on the V-I-S Model |
Urban Remote Sensing Joint Event |
Xiaofeng Zhao |
Xiaofeng Zhao |
2009 |
Spatiotemporal changes of the urban heat island of a coastal city in the context of urbanisation |
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology |
Xiaofeng Zhao |
Hong Ye |
2010 |
Resource consumption and city size: a case study of Xiamen and implications for sustainable urbanisation |
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology |
Guoqin Zhang |
Qianjun Zhao |
2010 |
Spatial distribution of arsenic and temporal variation of its concentration in rice |
New Phytologist |
Maozhong Zheng |
Yong-Guan Zhu |
2010 |
Bisphenol A induces a rapid activation of Erk1/2 through GPR30 in human breast cancer cells |
Environment Pollution |
Dong S |
Kiyama R |
2010 |
Favorable recycling photocatalyst TiO2/CFA: Effects of loading method on the structural property and photocatalytic activity |
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical |
Jian-wen Shi |
Shao-hua Chen |
2010 |
Combination treatment of ultrasound and ozone for improving solubilization and anaerobic biodegradability of waste activated sludge |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
Guihua Xu, |
Shaohua Chen |
2010 |
Copper biosorption by Myriophyllum spicatum: Effects of temperature and pH |
Guoxin Li |
Changzhou Yan |
2010 |
Interactions of nanosilver with Escherichia coli cells in planktonic and biofilm cultures |
Elsevier |
Okkyoung Choi |
Zhiqiang Hu |
2010 |
Nitrifying Bacterial Growth Inhibition in the Presence of Algae and Cyanobacteria |
Biotechnology Bioengineering |
Okkyoung Choi |
Zhiqiang Hu |
2010 |
Molecular quantification of virulence gene-containing Aeromonas in water samples collected from different drinking water treatment processes |
Environ Monit Assess |
Chang-Ping Yu |
Kung-Hui Chu |
2010 |
A ligand-chirality controlled supramolecular hydrogel |
Dalton Transactions |
Jiangshan Shen |
Hongwu Zhang |
2010 |
Anion-triggeredmelaminebasedself-assembly and hydrogel |
Chemical Communications |
Jiangshan Shen |
Hongwu Zhang |
2010 |
Copper toxicity thresholds in Chinese soils based on substrate-induced nitrification assay |
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
Xiaofang Li |
Yong guan Zhu |
2010 |