英国卡迪夫大学龚奕教授与斯望西大学Dr. Joel Dearden到城市环境研究所学术交流
应中国科学院城市环境与健康重点实验室与崔胜辉研究组的邀请,英国斯望西大学Dr. Joel Dearden与卡迪夫大学龚奕教授于7月12日访问城市环境研究所,并分别做了题为“Explorations in Urban and Regional Dynamics”与“Promoting health through the build environment”的学术报告,Dr. Joel Dearden介绍了利用新型交互式可视化技术探索动态变化城市模型等方面所取得的研究进展,龚奕教授主要介绍了城市环境、人类活动与健康之间的关系,报告精彩纷呈,令大家受益匪浅。
Dr Dearden is a Lecturer in Human Geography at Swansea University. His research focuses on developing novel interactive visualisation techniques to explore dynamic urban models. Before joining Swansea University, he gained a PhD from University College London and a BEng Computing degree at Imperial College. His research findings appear in a wide variety of journals including IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Transactions in GIS and Geographical Analysis. He recently published a book entitled Explorations in Urban and Regional Dynamics。 Dr. Gong is a Research fellow at Sustainable Places Research Institute and School of Medicine at Cardiff University, UK. Her work focuses on the relationships between environment, human activities and health. As a health and environmental geographer, Dr. Gong integrates knowledge across disciplines (including geography, planning, sociology, epidemiology, GIScience) and explore ways to develop a better understanding of (1) the interplay of social, economic and environmental factors in relation to human health and behaviour (e.g. walking, physical activity), (2) the impact of place-making in shaping sustainable urban development and (3) the community resilience and vulnerability in relation to natural hazards and climate-related disasters.