- Effects of Arsenic on Gut Microbiota and Its Biotransformation Genes in Earthworm Metaphire sieboldi WANG HONG-TAO. ENVIRON.SCI.TECHNOL.. 3841–3849.
- The modification of indoor PM2.5 exposure to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Chinese elderly people: A meet-in-metabolite analysis HUANG Qingyu. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL. 1243-1252.
- Multiple elements related to metabolic markers in the context of gestational diabetes mellitus in meconium WU Yan. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL. 1227-1234.
- Extracellular Biomineralization of Gold by Delftia tsuruhatensis GX-3 Isolated from a Heavy Metal Contaminated Paddy Soil LI Guo-Xiang. ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY. 1294-1300.
- QMEC: a tool for high-throughput quantitative assessment of microbial functional potential in C, N, P, and S biogeochemical cycling ZHENG Bangxiao. SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES. 1451-1462.
- A CeO2/ZrO2-TiO2 Catalyst for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx with NH3 SHAN Wenpo. CATALYSTS. 592.
- Towards Sustainable Urban Communities: A Composite Spatial Accessibility Assessment for Residential Suitability Based on Network Big Data ZHAO Yu. SUSTAINABILITY. 4767.
- Comprehensive Analysis of Nitrogen Deposition in Urban Ecosystem: A Case Study of Xiamen City, China SHI Longyu. SUSTAINABILITY. 4673.
- Assessing the adaptive capacity of urban form to climate stress: a case study on an urban heat island XU Lilai. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 044013.
- Investigating the comparative roles of multi-source factors influencing urban residents' transportation greenhouse gas emissions XU Lilai. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 1336-1345.
- Long-term organic fertilization increased antibiotic resistome in phyllosphere of maize CHEN Qing-Lin. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 1230-1237.
- Land Use Influences Antibiotic Resistance in the Microbiome of Soil Collembolans Orchesellides sinensis ZHU Dong. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 14088-14098.
- Silver incorporated into cryptomelane-type Manganese oxide boosts the catalytic oxidation of benzene DENG Hua. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL. 214-222.
- Mobile Incubator for Iron(III) Reduction in the Gut of the Soil-Feeding Earthworm Pheretima guillelmi and Interaction with Denitrification ZHOU Guo-Wei. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. .
- Urbanization gradient of selected pharmaceuticals in surface water at a watershed scale HONG Bing. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 448-458.
- Exposure of soil collembolans to microplastics perturbs their gut microbiota and alters their isotopic composition ZHU Dong. SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY. 277-278.
- Variations in the biomass of Eucalyptus plantations at a regional scale in Southern China QIU Quanyi. JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH. 1263-1276.
- Enhanced bioleaching efficiency of copper from printed circuit boards without iron loss WANG Shuhua. HYDROMETALLURGY. 65-71.
- Occurrence and fate of bisphenol A transformation products, bisphenol A monomethyl ether and bisphenol A dimethyl ether, in wastewater treatment plants and surface water Ashfaq Muhammad. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 401-407.
- Palladium supported on low-surface-area fiber-based materials for catalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds DENG Hua. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 361-369.
- Induction of Escherichia coli Into a VBNC State by Continuous-Flow UVC and Subsequent Changes in Metabolic Activity at the Single-Cell Level ZHANG Shenghua. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. .
- Morphology-Dependent Catalytic Performance of NbOx/CeO2 Catalysts for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx with NH3 LIAN Zhihua. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 12736-12741.
- Characteristics and sources of mercury in precipitation collected at the urban, suburban and rural sites in a city of Southeast China ZHAO Lisi. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH. 21-29.
- Reduced graphene oxide and titania nanosheet cowrapped coal fly ash microspheres alternately as a novel photocatalyst for water treatment CHEN Jian-Wei. CATALYSIS TODAY. 247-254.
- The changes of bacterial communities and antibiotic resistance genes in microbial fuel cells during long-term oxytetracycline processing YAN Weifu. WATER RESEARCH. 105-114.
- Interactions between iron mineral-humic complexes and hexavalent chromium and the corresponding bio-effects ZHENG Zhiyong. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. 265-271.
- Magnetic infrared responsive photocatalyst: fabrication, characterization, and photocatalytic performance of beta-NaYF4:Yb3+,Tm3+/TiO2/Fe3O4@SiO2 composite CHEN Zhangxu. RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES. 6369-6385.
- Synthesis of a novel core-shell-structure activated carbon material and its application in sulfamethoxazole adsorption Pamphile Ndagijimana. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 602-612.
- Diagnosis and ecotoxicological risk assessment of 49 elements in sludge from wastewater treatment plants of Chongqing and Xiamen cities, China Suanon Fidele. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH. 29006-29016.
- Physiological and transcriptomic insights into the cold adaptation mechanism of a novel heterotrophic nitrifying and aerobic denitrifying-like bacterium Pseudomonas indoloxydans YY-1 GUO Yan. INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION & BIODEGRADATION. 16-24.